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updated 16.04.11 18:08
16-04-11 @ 18:06

врот мненоги Open user info Open user photogallery
Текст песни "Про комбайнёров" Игоря Растеряева
the song "Сombiners"
Faraway from big cities,
Where're no glam boutiques around,
Where the other people live around,
Songs about them aren't sung.
Serials about them aren't made,
So they're not fit for TV channels,
Internet ignores them,
It seems that they don't exist.
They are young but not students,
They don't know «Okay» or «Lenta»,
They have never been to sushi bars,
They don't tan in solariums.
They don't have expensive things,
They don't care a hang about emo,
They don't use "Vkontakte", online,
They work hard on harvesters.

Drunk C2H5OH,
In DT, Don 500, T-150,
Pigs had been fed before.
The son's gone to plough earth, to thresh barley,
His work day will be long, a long-long-long day,
But he knows each screw inside of his tractor,
His pay is 100 dollars a month.

Each of them served in the Russian Army.
None of them evaded the Army by false piles.
Combiners, tractor drivers, heavers of watermelon lorries-
These guys aren't a dream of glam silly girls.
Let motherfuckers be comfortable in Moscow,
As long as we have these guys in our country,
Let all enemies and bitch Condoleezza Rice know.
NATO trash will never occupy us.

Drunk C2H5OH,
In DT, Don 500, T-150,
Pigs had been fed before.
The son's gone to plough earth, to thresh barley,
His work day will be long, a long-long-long day,
This song is dedicated to all rural boys,
To all Volgograd's combiners, tractor drivers, shepherds.

Drunk C2H5OH,
In DT, Don 500, T-150,
Pigs had been fed before.
The son's gone to plough earth, to thresh barley,
His work day will be long, a long-long-long day,
This song is dedicated to all rural lads,
To all Volgograd's combiners, tractor drivers, shepherds.
Glory to you!

The translation by Alexey Lyakhov, the assistance of it - IgorRussland. Igor Rasteryaev is a composer.

Mood: pleased 
Music: Игорь Растеряев "Про комбайнёров"

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Гость БК
16-04-11 @ 19:38
Re: Текст песни "Сижу - блюю" Блядимира Блевакина
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врот мненоги Open user info Open user photogallery
17-04-11 @ 23:12
Re: Текст песни "Про комбайнёров" Игоря Растеряева
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дааааа...чем дальше играю,тем меньше адекватных людей...в рот вам ноги,господа хорошие
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